Role of the Board and how it operates

The Board’s role is to provide overall entrepreneurial leadership, setting the Group’s strategy, purpose, values and culture, and supporting the Executive Directors in the delivery of that strategy. In doing so, the Board is also responsible for ensuring that appropriate policies, procedures and controls are in place to support effective risk management and performance against agreed financial and operational metrics.

Certain matters, including decisions relating to the strategic direction of the Group, changes to capital, corporate or management structure, approving financial reports, and approval of capital expenditure over agreed limits, are reserved to the Board and formally documented in a Schedule of Matters Reserved, which is reviewed annually. The Board meets at least ten times per year, and its activity at each meeting is planned in accordance with a formal schedule of activity approved by the Board. This ensures that it receives appropriate information at the appropriate time, and that all key operational, financial reporting and governance matters are discussed during the year. In addition to standing items, agendas incorporate sufficient flexibility to allow specific areas of focus to be considered as and when required. The schedule includes regular presentations from Operations Board members on specific areas of their responsibility, which assists the Non-Executive Directors’ understanding of the day-to-day operations of different functions of the Group.

A detailed pack is prepared and circulated in advance of each meeting which includes updates from the CEO, the CFO and other Operations Board members tracking performance against agreed key performance indicators. These reports also set out current areas of focus, and highlight any specific issues requiring further discussion or debate by the Board. The Company Secretary also prepares a report for each Board meeting covering matters such as forthcoming scheduled announcements and closed periods, the operation of the Company’s Share Dealing Code and regulatory or legislative developments which may impact the Company.

Roles and responsibilities

The Chair (Steve Bellamy) is responsible for leading the Board’s discussions, ensuring its effectiveness and promoting an open forum for debate and constructive relations between Executive and Non-Executive Directors. The Chair continues to hold meetings with the Non-Executive Directors without the Executive Directors present. There is a clear division of responsibilities between the Chair and the CEO, with the purpose of each role clearly defined in their respective letter of appointment and service agreement. The CEO reports to the Board, and is responsible for all Executive management matters of the Group.

The Non-Executive Directors provide constructive challenge to management, helping to develop proposals on strategy, and providing advice and support based on their experience in both Executive and Non-Executive roles throughout their careers.

Harry Morley has been appointed as Senior Independent Director, and in that role acts as a sounding board for the Chair and is available to shareholders if they have concerns which contact through the normal channels of the CEO or Chair has failed to resolve. He also leads the annual evaluation of the Chair’s performance.

In line with recognised governance practice, the Board has established three Board Committees (Audit, Remuneration and Nomination). Each Committee has its own terms of reference which are approved by the Board and are reviewed annually. Membership of the Committees is determined by the Board, on recommendations from the Nomination Committee. Details of the role, composition and activities of each Committee during the year are set out in their respective reports on the Board Committees page.

The Executive Directors are supported in their day-to-day management of the business by an experienced Operations Board.

The Company Secretary supports the Board and each of the three Board Committees, and is in attendance at all meetings. The Company Secretary is available to all the Directors to advise on company law, governance and best practice, whilst assisting the Board in ensuring that the correct policies, processes and information are tabled for discussion, noting or approval at the correct point in time throughout the year.