A leading family friendly value retailer
Our brand purpose
Our purpose
To inspire reading, learning, creativity
and play - making lives more fulfilled.
Our mission
Supportingfamilies with affordable,
feel-good ways to spend their time.
Store estate
- Diverse locations including high streets, shopping centres, retail parks, factory outlets and garden centres.
- Serve local communities and play a key role supporting local fundraising activities.
- 9 new store openings during FY24, 24 closures of mostly loss-making or low-profit stores, 5 relocations and 21 refits improved the quality of the store estate.
stores in the UK and Ireland
- Fully transactional online store.
- Exclusive online product offerings.
- Convenient click & collect service.
website visits during FY24
- Loyal, dedicated and highly engaged colleagues are key to our success.
- Recognised as a very good company to work for by Best Companies in recognition of high levels of employee engagement.
- Ranked 15th Best Big Company to Work For in national list. Consistently ranked in the top 25 for the past six years.
All brought to life by a family of colleagues who are:
For us, it’s about our ability to be creative and agile; we are able to adapt to change and be smart about what we do, with the resources we have. It’s what makes us unique.
We care about each other as one team. We care about our customers, our products and every penny we spend. Caring about the things we do is at the heart of our work ethic.
Being can-do means focusing on what matters and getting it done. Whatever the situation, we rise to it because of the can-do spirit and resilience we all share.